Ziegra Eis Maschinen GmbH has always been forward thinking at heart and our industry leading product range and development strategy over the past 60 years, we believe is testimony to that philosophy. That said, we try not to be complacent and recognise the need to continuously improve and adapt, which has brought our company to a strategic crossroads in the last few years, where it became clear that to continue developing the business in the way we would like, significant change may be necessary. It was also clear that this was an important milestone in our history and we should take time to consider all our options carefully, so that we continue to manage the changing needs of our customer base for the long term future.
Although other options were considered, only one option met all the objectives for the future and that was to build a new factory from scratch.
Managing such an undertaking whilst ensuring that there is no disruption to our production capacity and manufacturing standards was our number one objective but we also wanted to ensure that we achieved all of our requirements for the future without compromise. Ziegra’s owner Johannes von Rohr recognised that although the existing manufacturing facility was more than adequate for our requirements today, a new building would provide all we needed for the company to reach its full potential in the years ahead and his confidence in our product range, our people and our determination to be the best at what we do, fuelled the vision. To a large extent Ziegra has grown organically and we have been able to adapt to the needs of our customers as we grew. This has been advantageous in the past and allowed our business to make changes quickly when needed and we have always seen this as a real strength, so we wanted to be sure that in our planning we retainned that diversity.
That’s why the decision was taken to build a new factory and it has provided us with an exciting opportunity to start with a clean piece of paper. The innovative building design will provide a purpose built manufacturing hall that will meet the demands of the near future but also has the flexibility to allow us to adapt, as and when needed for the long term future.
The plan is to design and equip the new manufacturing site including all manufacturing equipment, holistic business management software, state of the art design and development suites and offices for all departments, whilst continuing to manufacture from the old site. We look forward with a real sense of excitement to the day when the first ice machine rolls off the new production lines. We see a really bright future ahead and will bring you regular progress updates on our blog.