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Small ice system

 A fish processor was looking for a small system to distribute ice around their facility. Hygiene is very important to this customer so to compliment the intrinsically hygienic ice machine and cart system they also specified a UV filter and a cleaning / disinfection / rinsing system. An ultimate solution for a hygienic ice supply around their factory. 
On the right hand side of the machine you can see the control panel on the wall, the dosing unit on the sid of the ice storage unit and the two bunds below for the chemicals. Also on the wall to the right and below cleaning system control unit you can see the Ziegra triple water filter and below it the UV filtration unit that sterilises incoming water.   A ZBE 350 granular flake machine sits on top of the BK20 elevated bin and cart system. The cart docks under the bin and the machine fills the 80kg capacity insulated ice cart. Once full the cart is removed and the lid that can be seen on the left of the ice bin is put in place, the cart can then be wheeled to where ice is needed. The small 20kg buffer bin then keeps the machine running for around 45 minutes while the cart is out delivering the ice. For applications where the cart is required for many hours, larger capacity bin and / or spare carts are available.


Published on November 25, 2019 at 11:12 AM