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Machine Configurations

Machine configuration options

Fully packaged

Fully packaged machines are the easiest machines to install, they arrive pre-commissioned and ready to run, requiring only connection to utilities and fitting of the ice pipe.

They are suitable for installation into areas with sufficient ventilation and clean air that operate between 5ºC and around 30ºC for standard and 40ºC for tropical models.

Standard specification models have outputs measured at 20ºC air and 15ºC water.

Tropical specification models have outputs measured at 35ºC air and 25ºC water.

water cooled option available


Remote Condenser

Machines with remote condensers have the ice maker, refrigeration and controls in one unit, with the air-cooled condenser mounted remotely in a more suitable location, usually outside the building.

Used when the area where the ice machine is to be located is poorly ventilated, is outside the temperature range for packaged machines or has contaminated or corrosive air.

Standard or tropical specification available

Air cooled only


Remote Refrigeration

Used for the same reasons as the remote condenser option, but when it is desirable to have the refrigeration system away from the ice maker. 

The controls can be located either with the ice making unit or with the refrigeration system.

water cooled option available


Fully Split

Used for the same reasons as the remote refrigeration option, but to keep the remote refrigeration and and ice maker as close together as possible while allowing the remote condenser to be mounted some distance away. This helps to minimise the gas charge and the amount of large and expensive pipework between the two units.

The controls can be located either with the ice making unit or with the refrigeration system.

Air cooled only



Published on August 2, 2016 at 03:04 PM